CertiCon Riding on the Waves of Success

In the first half of this year, we proudly released major versions of our mobile health care applications, which read heart rhythm data from implantable devices and forward them to other systems. There, attending physicians can view them in a standard way using a web interface.

Our teams in the Medical Solutions division have done a fantastic job, especially in adding support for new types of pacemakers. With the help of automation, we were able to complete the application release significantly ahead of schedule.

Despite the actual deployment to the App Store and Google Play having a slight delay—mainly due to the regulatory authority—we are nonetheless pleased that we will soon be able to present a major new release of these mobile applications.

Thanks go out to the entire team for their tremendous contribution and commitment in solving project tasks and overcoming obstacles. Your work is of indispensable value to CertiCon.

The Medical Solutions division specializes in life-improving projects for patients with a pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator. Our portfolio features a broad range of projects that require the utmost precision in execution.